How To Tackle An Unvaccinated Man

Jayson Massey
3 min readJun 19, 2021

“Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves.” — Abraham Lincoln

Dr. Ala Stanford has vaccinated and tested many low-income Philadelphians. Pictured with a well-know celebrity.

After seeing yet ANOTHER NFL player make a very selfish display on his cell phone and post it to the world, I wanted to address his manifesto and call him out on some things. His ‘statement’ is attached below my comments.

  1. You mentioned your family. Did you think to speak to them before you said any of this stuff? You represent them. And your co-workers? You can talk to your fellow players or coaches. Do you feel comfortable enough to talk to them about these things? Like your health? Just think about it. Maybe your agent? Alumni? People from your old team? Gotta find some people in your life that will push back with caring. Respect them.
  2. You stated that you’re not vaccinated. Have you REALLY never taken ANY vaccines? 🤨
  3. Another point about steering clear of you…I’m sure no defensive back wants to tackle an unvaccinated man. And I’m sure you’d LOVE for them to leave you unmolested! However, they have to ‘break social distancing’ to do their job, so…just take the shot. 💉 Oh, also, whatcha gonna do about huddles? Just hang out around the numbers and use hand signals? Not the way to win coaches or influence quarterbacks. Not to mention the other employees, whose only crime is showing up to work for their beloved team.
  4. “I may die of covid, but i’d rather die actually living” makes no sense. You can choose to eliminate dying of COVID-19 and just keep other stuff, like motorcycles, on the menu. If you want to do dangerous things, fine. Do dangerous things you enjoy. Tom Brady dives off cliffs. He has a helluva time. You gonna ENJOY dying of coronavirus? See this story about someone who contracted and recovered. Wasn’t fun. “He spent nearly a week on a ventilator and says he was in so much pain he was willing to “do anything” to stay alive.”
  5. Are you building or destroying the relationships with your teammates with this stance? Think about it.
  6. You don’t take meds for a leg that isn’t broken. You run. And stretch. And eat. And take vitamins. And protein shakes. And get massages. Have you missed the past 150 years of sports medicine??? You warm up before the game. You have been taking preventative measures your entire athletic life. Add two shots.
  7. You CANNOT ‘build up immunity’ to a virus EXCEPT with a vaccine. Especially a coronavirus. It attacks the body at a weak point, the lungs. Even if you have it, YOU CAN GET IT AGAIN. Even the CDC says it: Our bodies don’t know how to deal with a vaccine like a rookie guard doesn’t know how to deal with a zone blitz. Okay?
  9. I have to ask you question…what if YOU got COVID-19 and gave it to your family? Shouldn’t they have liberty from infectious diseases? Is it okay if someone else gives your family COVID-19? Like the mailman? Or the pizza guy? If it’s not okay for them, WHY is it OKAY for you?
  10. If someone holds a position, and they won’t say it out of fear, they are COWARDS. Why are you surrounding yourself with cowards? Because they agree with you? Please. What if they decide to get vaccinated? You gonna stop talking to them? Find brave people to walk with.

